
About the Author
R. Wayne Jackson is a former high school mathematics teacher, a former corporate analyst, and a former corporate auditor. He is a writer and teacher, serving as a Sunday School and Bible teacher in his church for over 40 years. Wayne brings a solid scriptural foundation to his writing and teaching. His interests include family, traveling, Biblical studies including prophecy, Christian apologetics, heaven, and eternity.
Background Information
For more than fifty years, R. Wayne Jackson has been studying the Bible with emphasis on systematic theology, history, and Biblical prophecy as it relates to God’s master plan for the ages.
He began an in-depth study of the Bible in the early 1970s by studying the writings of the Late H. A. Ironsides, former pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, along with the early pioneers of Dallas Theological Seminary; the Late Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, and the Late Dr. John F. Walvoord. Also, for many years; he studied the teachings and writings of the Late Dr. J. Vernon McGee, a renowned radio Bible teacher.
He has been teaching the Bible and writing for more than forty years. In 2009, he created a website, www.rwaynejackson.com, to post his writings so that he could reach a greater number of people. Thus, many people worldwide have come to the website for Bible study.
The author sees the Bible through a different lens than most people. He begins with a top-down view through a Biblical telescope and drills down to the details with a Biblical microscope. He sees the Bible as a collection of books that, when taken as a whole, presents a living testimony of a Supreme Being who reigns over the universe that He himself created. In the beginning, God established a master plan for this universe.
Wayne has written three books which are available on Amazon.com
They are:
- He Shall Reign Forever: God’s Plan For The Ages
- Fullness of Time: The Christmas Story
- A Walk to the Cross: He Paid The Price
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