Site Information, Copyrights, and Permissions

This website is will continue to be updated and will be going through changes and additions over time.

Come back soon and check out what is new.

This is an active post and is my way of communicating with you about the status of the website. Visit each time you log in for any changes.

You may read about the author and the books He has published on the post below – Just click on “About”

These Books would make great Christmas gifts for people who do not have access to the Web.


Posts are short studies and can in most cases be read in 30 to 90 minutes. They are listed below, and the narratives will rotate from time to time. In most cases, the post will relate to an event or a special study. We have posted most of the entire public ministry of Jesus – what is contained in the four Gospels. Other changes will be made as needed. Just click on the subject you want to read.

Top Menu

The top menu will show major studies or permanent studies. Some are deep studies and will take some time to study. Just click on the subject you want to study.

Salvation – This is a short study and is permanent. It presents the plan of salvation and the Christian Walk. Just click on it.

The Ages and Covenants – This narrative is provided as separate study modules of Biblical ages, dispensations, and covenants. I have made it an independent study because of the past interest in the subject on the previous website. It was the most popular of all my writings. Some groups have placed a link to it from their home website.

Biblical Symbols – this forum includes Biblical Symbols, and many other items of interest. Few have studied these major themes. An understanding of Biblical Symbols helps us understand Biblical structure as well as being a key to understanding most prophecy. Study what you can and come back later for the other links. Note: An understanding of Biblical symbols is very important in understanding “Last Day Prophecy” in the next forum.

Last Days – this is a new forum, and I am working on it. It will be some time before it is all completed. I have completed and posted the commentaries through the Rapture of The Church. I will start on the Tribulation soon. This is a deep study and will require a lot of your time – hope you will continue reading as I write.

The Church – this is a new forum and contains a complete manuscript on “The Church.” It is long and very detailed. It is designed to allow you to study different modules. I hope you will begin reading it. Please respect my copyright restrictions. Take a look.

Biblical Articles – this is a new forum and was previously part of Biblical Symbols. I have recently added several new articles. Others will be added soon.


Some of you have asked questions in your comments.  I cannot answer questions for security reasons. You may state your question and if I get enough of the same questions, I will answer it in one of the forums.

Copyrights and Permissions

The purpose of this website is to enhance the teaching of God’s word and to
magnify and glorify Jesus. Some of these studies are in-depth and will require
some time studying. You have permission to copy the materials for your personal
or group study but not to publish them. Any materials copied and distributed
from this website must show the source as follows.

Source: Copyrighted © R. Wayne Jackson, 2009-2024.

To quote this material on another website, please put a link on the other
website to this one.

All scripture, unless noted, is from the New Kings James Version. Thomas
Nelson requires the following message to be placed on any documents that you
copy with their scripture.

“Bible text from the New King James Version ® is not to be reproduced in
copies or otherwise by any means except as permitted in writing by Thomas
Nelson, Inc., Attn: Bible Rights and Permissions, P.O. Box 141000, Nashville,
TN 37214-1000.” In addition, “NKJV™” must appear on any print-out of verses.

Other versions are listed at the end of each narrative.

Other Information

Most Scripture reference is either quoted or will be linked to an online
Bible. Just click on references that are not quoted and a new window will open,
and the verse or verses will be displayed. You may need to hit the windows
backspace to return to your previous window.

We pray that this website will be a blessing to you and invite you to visit often and to refer others to it. We want to teach and spread the word of God.

Background Information

It has been said that the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and
the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. This will be the emphasis of
our study as we follow God’s revealed program for the Ages from Genesis to
Revelation. The study follows the golden thread of redemption from Genesis to

The author also believes that at the beginning, God established a timeline
that He has been following and will continue to follow until He destroys the
old heavens and earth and creates new ones. This timeline is what we call “The
Plan of the Ages.” We are told in Scripture that God knew all present and
future occurrences from the beginning (Acts15:18, Isa.46:10-11).

Since He knew all His works from the beginning, He numbered the days.

That means that in the timeline of the ages, from the
creation of the earth’s foundations through its destruction, God planned what
would happen each hour and each day and would see His plan to completion.

The teaching on this website attempts to provide readers with an overview of
God’s divine plan from Genesis through Revelation. It helps readers to
visualize the plan as it unfolds in eternity. Through a simple and easy-to-read
narrative format strongly supported by quoted scripture, the material presents
major Biblical themes which shed light on such things as 1) The original
creation and eventual re-creation of some defiled parts; 2) The origin of evil
and the subsequent conflict between the forces of good and evil; 3) The plan of
redemption for man; 4) The ultimate destruction of evil forces; and 5) The
establishment of a perfect, eternal, theocratic kingdom under the reign of
Christ. Note: not all of these themes are presented at one time; therefore, come
often to study all the material.

This approach will prove to be enlightening, sometimes controversial, and
vitally interesting to those who seek the truth where they can find it. The
material places heavy emphasis on the study of Biblical prophecy as it
foretells of events that have unfolded and will continue to unfold across the
pages of history.

A few years ago, I was asked what I thought was the most important Biblical
concept. I replied, “Comprehending and accepting the absolute sovereignty of
God.” In today’s world, much emphasis is placed on humanism and as a result,
the spotlight has often been shifted from God to man. It has been demonstrated
that a systematic study of the Bible will project and magnify our perception of
the glorious, sovereign reign of God.

The heart of God’s plan was the incarnation of His son, who died for our
sins and was resurrected to reign over our lives. His death, burial, and
resurrection are pivotal in all events of all ages. This author has tried to
tightly weave the Old and New Testaments together around the work completed
upon the cross.

This means there was a time for each of His well-thought-out plans to be
implemented and sometimes God elected wicked men and women to carry them out –
God knew the hearts of all whom He created. Some of those programs had to be
paid for by the blood of Christ, which was spilled on the cross before they
could begin. All the details of God’s salvation plan are based on God’s
sovereignty and love.

Many of God’s programs could not be completed until Jesus paid for them on
the cross. Therefore, the incarnation of Christ was also perfectly timed with
God’s master plan. The Apostle Paul writes that in the fullness of the
God sent His son made of a woman, made under the law.

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