The five or six months before Jesus was born must have been both exciting and somewhat apprehensive for Joseph and Mary.
Can you imagine the excitement that they must have experienced? God honored them by allowing them to be the earthly parents of His Only Begotten Son. But there were also problems – much like the kind we experience each day.
After Jesus presented His credentials during the early part of His public ministry He moved to Capernaum. There He announced the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. For the next eighteen months He explained Kingdom living.
This narrative begins about nine to six months before Jesus’ crucifixion. During that time Jesus is teaching his disciples and having a dialogue with the Jewish leaders. As Jesus approaches the cross the hostile level between Jesus and the Jewish leaders increases until it explodes during Passover Week.
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The garden tomb had been prepared for a rich man named Joseph of Arimathea. There they placed the body of Jesus and closed the tomb with a large stone.